Francesco Corazzi


Francesco is an Emmy nominated sound mixer who specialises in documentaries and large-scale TV shows. 

He has worked all around the world on a wide variety of productions, customizing workflow to any specific requirement, location and environment, always keeping the focus on delivering great audio.

Sound is his passion, so he goes above and beyond to deliver the best possible sound, offering a bespoke service that meets all needs.

Bilingual speaker in Italian (native) and English.


Sound Devices 833, 12 channels mixer/recorder Sound Devices 633, 6 channels mixer/recorder Audio LTD A10 wireless mics, integrated recording, Cos-11 lapels Super cardioid and cardioid microphones, boom poles, windshields Wireless timecode solutions IEMs and wireless camera hop.

Narrative- Selective

Commercials- Selective

Events- Selective